Brittany "Chane" is a 31 year old mother of three. She owns Chane Artistry LLC and Plushbaddie Boutique. Her dream as a young girl was to own her own cosmetics business and become a full time make up artist. Safe to say she has surpasse her dreams. We hope you enjoy our products and create looks that wow the crowd!

She fell in love with the art of make up 4 years ago and the two have been inseparable ever since! She is a make up artist and business owner. She was the sweetest, funniest, talented and inspirational woman! A beem of light in a room, we celebrate you my sister now and forever! One beat at a time we keep your name alive here at Chanè Artistry. We are happy to say you were a part of our team and hearts, you will forever be missed 💔 #SIP
Instagram: @_Glambykiss